Leadership Opportunties

Student Council

Carolyn Clark Student Council represents the voice of our students. They help to plan and execute school-wide special activities and provide input on school decisions. Our Student Council consists of four student officers, which include president, vice president, treasurer, and historian. Also included are two class representatives per class from grades 1-6.

Student Council officer positions are open to all students in grades 4-6. Elections are held every year in the spring and are voted on by students from grades 1-6. Meetings are held during lunch one Tuesday each month from October-May.

The student council, which is overseen by one Carolyn Clark teacher, manages and/or assists in programs such as the student recycle program and daily morning announcements. They raise money throughout the year with their Spirit Gram sales and student run recycling program.

Student Council Advisor

Bernadette Marcias

Leadership Day

Each year Carolyn Clark hosts a Leadership Day for students in 4th-8th grades where interested children participate in a day-long, research-based, interactive leadership training. Led by a masters-trained educator with more than 10,000 hours in leadership training experience. Leadership Development Day provides opportunities for students to get inspired to change their school culture and learn the practical skills needed to make those changes. A registration fee includes all materials and a lunch for each participant. Information regarding registration is posted in May to June.